Oral Health is a very critical factor in maintaining a healthy life style. St. Joseph Mission Hospital Department of Dental services cast a wide blanket overall issues, disorders and pertaining to oral health.
From performing a simple root canal to invisalign treatment, from dental implants to complexed maxillofacial surgery. Our division of dental health is well equipped with a team of experienced and qualified dentists, and state of art of specialities.
Facilities & Services
A few of major service that come under our dental services include:-
Emergency Trauma care
Dental Implants (Single tooth/Multiple teeth)
Cosmetic restoration ceramic veneers
Crown and bridge restoration
Mental free ceramics
Root canal treatment- single sitting
Gum management clinic
Orthodontic correction of malaligned teeth
Orthogenetic surgeries ( Cosmetic facial surgeries)
Dental Jewellery
Preventive dental clinic
Dental care for diabetic patients
Dental care for the cardiac patientshc8meifmdc|0000D593E3DA|web360db_meditrina|tbl_Department|services|7CBD7859-DF19-4B08-9545-5A98109ADD47
Here are some of the doctors in this department.